Save on AmDisc Allograft

Regularly $189, now $129 each* with promo code 2025
*Minimum order 10. Must purchase before March 1, 2025.

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The latest state-of-the-art Amniotic Membrane Allograft Disk for the ocular surface

Buy and Save Direct from our lab at the most practical price point.

The Amnion Process

As part of Amnion’s continuing commitment to producing the safest and highest quality amniotic allografts available anywhere in the world, Amnion just completed a self-initiated revalidation and quality review of our internal manufacturing processes and laboratory. Applying critical review and independent external expert analysis of our existing protocols and equipment, Amnion now boasts the highest possible quality allografts now available anywhere. All our grafts are finally sterilized with state-of-the-art electronic beam sterilization using power levels designed to completely eradicate any possible contagions remaining on prescreened Caesarean-section placentas used in our products. Amnion’s packaging utilizes best possible materials and sealing providing tested and proven technology for a minimum of three-year shelf lives for our allografts. Staying true to our commitment to the highest possible quality, Amnion is undergoing testing to support a five-year shelf life for all our products. Looking to provide your patients with optimal quality allografts? Look no further. Contacts our sales team ([email protected]) to discuss how Amnion can provide your patients with the best quality minimally manipulated homologous use allografts.

The Story

Our Health Mission

Amnion is committed to innovating and customizing the use of gifted human birth tissue to facilitate regenerative therapies for optimal patient outcomes for those in need. Amnion employs its world-class science and technology based on AmnioCleanse™ tissue processes leveraging decades of expertise in highly specialized solutions-based medical protocols.

Experience and Professionalism

With years of experience, our medical team will assess you and create a custom  plan that’s right for your practice.  We understand the importance of educating you on the most effective ways to take care of your patients so they can heal quickly.

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